फ़ोटो: Attention Problems: What Can Be Fixed?
You can do far more than you’d think.

Can’t pay attention. Can’t finish homework. Trouble with social skills. Intelligent, but doing poorly at school or work. Struggling with behavior.
Our brain is our greatest asset, but what do we do when it doesn’t function optimally? Are we stuck? No.

The brain is incredibly moldable. Scientists refer to this as neuroplasticity. It constantly rewires itself based on its exposure to the environment. Learn multiplication tables? The brain rewires itself. Learn a new word? The brain rewires itself. Learn karate or to play the piano? The brain rewires itself. We’ve known this for many years. We know how this works even down to the molecular level. Do we apply it to attention problems? No. Odd isn’t it?

Attention is a skill. So, how do we teach it? It’s relatively easy to teach multiplication tables; you can use things like flashcards, blocks, and other tangible things. Attention is intangible; we cannot see it or touch it. That’s what makes it difficult to teach as a skill. It’s almost impossible to improve attention unless it becomes tangible.

But what if you could see attention? What if attention were concrete and controllable right in front of you? You could learn it quite easily — attention problems or not. That’s what Play Attention does; it uses brain sensing technology that allows you to control the computer by mind alone. You can move objects on the screen by your attention and learn other skills that make you successful. 

Contact us now and get a free demo of Play attention! 

Article source: PlayAttention.com

The success of any facet of your business is all ways linked to employee motivation. Employee motivation unfortunately is far from an exact science.  From productivity and profitability to recruiting and retention, hardworking employees always lead to triumph. Employee motivation can be as individual as employee that works for you. One can boil down employee motivation to one rudimentary ideal: finding out what employees want and finding a technique to give it to them . Employee motivation is tremendously complex.

Employee motivation or job motivation can be linked to reward and other elements that lead to a motivated work force.

Employee motivation is the “psychological powers that control the direction of a person’s behavior in an institute, a person’s level of determination and a person’s level of diligence”

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